ALoFT can be invoked as follows:
$ ./aloft --vcf=/path/to/file --data=path/to/data/dir --output=path/to/dir [--option4=arg1]...
Alternatively, to use ALoFT on an annotated VAT file, use the --vat option:
$ ./aloft --vat=vat_file.vcf (VAT annotated vcf file)
For a VCF file taken as input, only the first five columns are required.
An output directory may be specified with the --output option. Otherwise the output files will be written in the ./aloft_output directory.
The following files will be created in this output directory:
ALoFT recognizes the following options for altering input and reference files:
Outputs the ALoFT version number.
Specifies path to VCF input file. If none specified, ALoFT will try to skip VAT and run directly on the file given to the --vat option. --vcf or --vat option is needed for proper execution.
Specifies path to VAT output file to run ALoFT on. If none specified, then a --vcf option must be specified.
--cache=cache/ (Default)
Specifies path to directory containing cache of GERP score information and protein-protein interaction information. Directory will be created if it doesn't already exist.
--nmd_threshold=50 (Default)
Distance from premature stop to last exon-exon junction; used to predict NMD. Default distance is 50bp.
--output=aloft_output/ (Default)
Specifies path to tabbed output files and VCF file from ALoFT.
--data=data/ (Default)
Specifies path to data directory containing a data.txt file and other data dependencies. data.txt contains paths to all data files that ALoFT requires. See data/data.txt bundled with ALoFT for more information on these files.
--verbose (Optional)
Runs ALoFT in verbose mode.
Obtain variant calls and vcf files from 1000 Genomes ftp site.
Download to home directory and uncompress.
$ wget
Run the vcf file through aloft, which is installed in the directory aloft in the home directory and output this to the default directory aloft_output/
$ cd aloft
$ ./aloft --vcf=../ALL.wgs.integrated_phase1_v3.20101123.snps_indels_sv.sites.vcf.gz
To see the aloft output, enter the output directory.
$ cd aloft_output
$ ls
Check the annotated features for more information.